Alejandro MarconiWho is Alejandro Marconi. Well, you really can’t meet him as he never existed. But,the Beth Din of America including Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann (Director) and RabbiGedalia Dov Schwartz (head of the Beth Din) both believe he existed. They even wentso far as to send him certified letters (Hasmanahs) and even mailed him a warning;issuance of a contempt order and then finally sent this non-existent person a ‘ShtarSeruv’ signed by Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz. So who is Alejandro Marconi? In order to setup a sting against Rabbi Mendel Epstein and his kidnapper friends theFBI needed a woman to claim to be an Agunah and thus required a seruv against herhusband. Where better to go than the pro-female Beth Din being The Beth Din ofAmerica in New York. Had this Beth Din done their due diligence and checked into this case they wouldhave found out that it was just a sting to catch Rabbi Mendel Epstein and his cohorts.Being that they were all so anxious to believe this Agunah, they just moved forward,collected their fee and mailed this non-existent husband a seruv. What can we learnfrom this?That the most well-known Beth Din does not check its facts.That these two rabbis, Weissmann and Schwartz will process your paperwork even ifyou don’t have a husband. That numerous Rabbis and Jews below are now in prison (see below) because of theBeth Din of America’s failure to check their facts and issued a totally bogus seruv. Rabbi Mendel Epstein – age 70 – Lakewood, NJ – Sentenced to 10 yearsMartin Wolmark – age 57 – Monsey, NY – Sentenced to 38 monthsBinyamin Stimler – age 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Sentenced to 39 monthsJay Goldstein – age 61 – Brooklyn, NY – Sentenced to 48 monthsMoshe Goldstein – age 32 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 48 monthsAvrohom Goldstein – age 36 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 45 monthsSimcha Bulmash – age 32 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 48 monthsDavid Hellman – age 33 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 44 monthsSholom Shuchat – age 31 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to time servedAriel Potash – age 42 – Monsey, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 14 monthsStep one in every Beth Din case is to check identification. It is also as important tohear both sides of the story and not rule by only hearing one side of the case. Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz who also heads the CRC Kosher certificationdepartment. How can anyone trust his kosher knowledge when he doesn’t check thefacts and has given out numerous bogus religious documents? Kosher requiresnumerous checking of facts and ingredients.
Click on the below links for further information:The Beth Din - Information about the Beth Din of AmericaAsk The Rabbi - Questions and Answers to the RabbiBeth Din of America News - Read about the goings on at the Beth Din AmericaRabbi Aryeh Dudovitz - Child Abuser Met with Rabbi Gedalia Dov SchwartzAlejandro Marconi - Real or not Real??Psak Din - Against Rabbi Weissmann and Rabbi SchwartzAgunah Page - A list of all the recognized Agunah(s)Recalcitrant Husband Page - A list of all the recognized recalcitrant husband(s)Seruvs - Against Rabbi Weissmann and Rabbi SchwartzHeter - Beth Din permission on how to handle a rebellious wifeBlog - Submit and read comments about all the subjects on this siteTerms, Notices, and Conditions - A must read for using this siteContact Info - Contact us for any questions or comments